Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Samurai. Episode 4, Season One. Originally aired October 17, 1968. Ricardo Montalban (who has the pleasure of playing both Asian and Italian characters in Five-O) is a crime leader under indictment in Honolulu and being gunned for by a Japanese triad. There's great action sequences (three assassination attempts) and maybe the most amazing use of plummeria in any Five-O backdrop. An almost Scorcese-like tracking shot is used of McGarrett walking into Takura's palatial home where he describes the Samurai code as "fanatic principles of honor." As Steve uncovers (with "beautiful snooker") Takura's scheme, and its involvement with his beautiful daughter, there's a couple of really nice character-building moments: one where McGarrett's displays subordinate respect for the Governor (it is one thing to expect respect when you're the Big Kahuna but McGarrett's moral code is best displayed in his relationships with his superiors) and the other where McGarrett visists an old naval officer who treats Steve with collegial respect even referring to McGarrett as "Commander." Less lofty, but no less noteworthy is Kono's story of how he met a girl from Cleveland who wants him to "teach her the hula." An incredible versatile score, absolutely classic Five-O.

Highlight: Steve's "Aloha, Baby!" is classic and the freeze-frame of the crazy-face made by the failed assassin is amazing but Steve's sad plucking of a guitar at his desk is one of those memorable harkenings of "Jack Lord, Renaissance Man".


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