Saturday, July 02, 2005

Trouble in Mind

Trouble in Mind. Episode 50, season 3. Originally aired: Sept. 23, 1970.

Smack problems again plague paradise. This time it's right where one would suspect: among jazz musicians. Nancy Wilson plays Eadie Jordan, a jonesing superstar who is being taken care of by her dealer / manager. The mgr. whack Kono on the noggin with a rock to start things off. But what the mgr doesn't know is that there's some bad heroin making its rounds--an arsenic-laced batch which is killing more jazz musicians than Chuck Mangione. (Morton Stevens, the show's composer, plays one of the ill-fated jazz-junkies.) The mgr's covering for his client makes things difficult for 5-0 who discover eventually the smack was being cut right beneath a ripped can of rat poison.

Highlight: A classic episode from beginning to end, McGarrett pronouncing "casette" as "kay-set" but the scene with the prepubescent junkie who dismisses concern for his welfare as mere "fuzz jive" is what Five-Oios live for.


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